Everyday horse and holiday horse
Permanent exhibition in Villandstallen
For 5,000 years, the horse has been a part of people's everyday life, and for 5,000 it has also been a part of their holiday celebrations. All over the world, the horse has pulled the plow on the field and the log in the forest; and all over the world it has also drawn the chariot with the bridal chest and the sleigh with the dead.
The horse has been a horsepower, and a horsepower is invaluable to any farmer; but in many cultures the horse has also helped the sun over the sky, and everywhere it has been endowed with magical abilities to ensure and increase the fertility of both humans, animals and plants.
Villandstallen at Hallingtunet is a traditional combination of stable and barn with hallway on the second floor. It was built in Hol in 1720. 200 years later, the building was taken down and rebuilt on Marienlyst, where it stands today. This year we celebrate the building's 300th anniversary with a permanent exhibition about the farmer's horse. The exhibition shows the horse in its two functions: On the ground floor as a work horse, on the second floors as a holiday horse.
Curator: Mikkel B. Tin
Closed for the season