
Home / Learning / DKS / Drammen / Architecture

What can architecture say about the time it was built?

We walk through parts of Tollbugata and on to Drammen's Museum to get to know the city's history better. Several of the buildings are from the 18th and 19th centuries and their owners were the city's wealthy traders and merchants. How can we see it on the houses? What do the houses tell about the owner's position and wealth? Can we see differences on the front and back? The students learn some important characteristics of the styles in which several of the buildings in Tollbugata were built.

After the city tour, the students get to play a board game at the museum, where the questions are taken from the presentation. The class gets to bring the game to school. 

Primary school, 5th grade

Municipalities: Drammen

Contact person

Maria Ianke Tel. 48 95 75 46

Change of day and time must go through the contact person at Drammens Museum. Orientation meeting for teachers is based on well-known programs.

Practical information

  • For whom: 5th grade Drammen and Frydenhaug school
  • Duration: 1 h. 40 min.
  • Method: dialogue, play, cooperation, games in the workshop.
  • What: City walk in Tollbugata to Marienlyst and Drammens Museum followed by games in the workshop.
  • Bus: Brandtsgård buss AS, 934 98 678,  The bus has been ordered by the museum. The bus comes and picks up the students at school approx. 20 minutes before the set time, 30 minutes before for the schools which are furthest away. The bus drops you off at the intersection Neumannsgate - Tollbugata, where the walk begins. Danvik and Brandengen do not get a bus because short distance. These schools meet at the intersection Neumanngate - Tollbodgata.

The museum educator meets you at the intersection Neumannsgate - Tollbugata. You do not need to bring bags. The museum is responsible for all material.
Wear clothes according to the weather! The walk with conversation takes approx. 45 min.

After playing at the museum, the students are picked up by the bus at Drammens Museum, Marienlyst.

Anchoring in the Curriculum

  • The goal is for the students to become better acquainted with the city's history and what the architecture can tell about the time and the people who lived then.
    After 7th grade in social studies, one of the goals of the education is for the student to be able to: "explore how people in the past made a living, and talk about how key changes in livelihoods and technology have affected and affect demographics, living conditions and living patterns."

Podcast about Drammen

If you as a teacher are interested in learning more about Drammen's history, we can recommend the podcast: Historiske Drammen made by Jo Sellæg and Camilla Fjeld Gustavsen.

The Historical Drammen podcast (

Before the museum visit

  • Make a drawing of e.g. the front door or school gate, without looking at it in advance. Afterwards, students can go out and see what it actually looks like. This is to make the students aware of what the architecture around them looks like. Alternatively, they can make a "correct" detail drawing of the same motif afterwards.
  • Talk about the architecture / buildings in the school's local environment.

After the museum visit

  • Watch the film «Urban history walk from Strømsø to Bragernes with a focus on history, architecture and styles». The film is on DVD "Aesthetics in Public Space-Urban History Walking", produced by Drammen municipality and DKS.
  • Color drawing of Cappelengården (1767), which you saw in Tollbugata during the walk. Pay attention to the details around the windows and door. Feel free to draw something in the windows. You can also paste people, flowers, etc. that you have cut out of a leaf. Then you get a collage. The drawing of Cappelengården is located here and can be printed out and enlarged. cappelengården sketch_large
    Material: A3 sheet, pencil, colors, sheet, glue
  • Use an arts and crafts lesson to create and color the game you were given at the museum. Pieces can be made from milk carton corks and dice you must have yourself. Print out the ArchitekTUR questions here:
  • You can use the game that the class gets in all subjects! Make your own question cards for English, maths etc. The class can be split in two and the groups can make questions for each other or the teacher makes questions for the students.

The cultural schoolbag Drammens Museum autumn 2024

Route plan ArchitekTUR 5th stage Drammen

Contact person: Maria Ianke. Phone: 48957546

The set time applies to arrival at the intersection Neumannsgate / Tollbodgata and departure to Drammens Museum.
The bus picks up the students from central Drammen approx. 20 minutes before the program starts and those who live in former Nedre Eiker and Svelvik are picked up approx. 30 minutes before the program starts. Brandtsgård bus AS: 934 98 678

Last updated 6.8.2024 MI

Tuesday 20 Aug.
0900 – 1040 Øren (23)
1130 – 1310 Øren (22)

Wed 21 Aug
0900 – 1040 Øren (24)
1130 – 1310 Rødskog (15)

Thu 22 Aug
0900 – 1040 Konnerud (19)
1030 – 1210 Konnerud (18)
1150 – 1330 Konnerud (18)

Mon 26 Aug
0900 – 1040 Brandengen (22) NO BUS
1130 – 1310 Frydenlyst (12) NO BUS

Tuesday 27 Aug.
0900 - 1040 Brandengen (22) NOT BUS
1130 – 1310 Brandengen (22) NO BUS

Wed 28 Aug
0900 – 1040 Brandengen (23) NO BUS
1130 – 1310

Thursday 29 August
0900 – 1040 Hallermoen (21)
1030 – 1210 Hallermoen (22)
1150 – 1330 Hallermoen (21)

Mon 2 Sept.
0900 – 1040 Åskollen (21)
1130 – 1310 Frydenhaug (9 + 9, no wheelchairs)

Tuesday, Sept. 3
0900 – 1040 Åskollen (22)
1130 – 1310 Åskollen (19)

Wed 4 Sept.
0900 – 1040 Aronsløkka (24)
1130 – 1310 Aronsløkka (24)

Thursday 5 September
0900 – 1040 Danvik (23) NO BUS
1030 – 1210 Danvik (23) NO BUS
1150 – 1330

Mon. 9 September
0900 – 1040 Bragernes (23)
1130 – 1310 Bragernes (24)

Thursday 12 September
0900 – 1040 Mountains (17)
1030 – 1210 Mountains (18)
1150 – 1330 Mountains (16)

Mon 16 Sept.
0900 – 1040 Åssiden (24)
1130 – 1310 Åssiden (22)

Tuesday, Sept. 17
0900 – 1040 Forests (28)
1130 – 1310 Åssiden (24)

Wed 18 Sept ATTENTION!
0900 – 1040 Tangen (13)
1030 – 1210 Krokstad (21)

Thursday 19 September ATTENTION!
0900 – 1040 Krokstad (21)
1030 – 1210 Krokstad (21)
1150 – 1330 Krogstad (21)

Mon 23 Sept. ATTENTION!
0900 – 1040 Tømmerås (24)
1030 – 1210 Tømmerås (24)

Tuesday 24 September
0900 – 1040 Mjøndalen (25)
1130 – 1310 Mjøndalen (24)

Wed 25 Sept.
0900 – 1040 Mjøndalen (24)
1130 – 1310 Mjøndalen (25)

Thu 26 Sept ATTENTION!
0900 – 1040 Solberg (26)
1030 – 1210 Solberg (27)
1150 – 1330 Solberg (26)


0900 – 1040 Stenseth (24)
1030 – 1210 Åsen (31)
1150 – 1330 Steinberg (30)

Tuesday, Oct. 8
0900 – 1040 Academy Drammen
1130 – 1310 Rosendal

Wed 9 Oct
0900 – 1040 Vestbygda (18)
1130 – 1310 Vestbygda (19)

Thu Oct 10
0900 – 1040 Gulskogen (25)
1020-1210 Montessori NOT BUS
1130 – 1310 Gulskogen (25)



Week 34 - 41